Implementation NES by Rust - load iNES

- (5 min read)

First of all

NES is Nintendo Entertainment System a.k.a. 'ファミコン'. My goal is developing NES simulator using Rust language.

Reference guide is here.

NES consists of some parts. For example CPU, PPU, APU and so on. I start from loading iNES file, which is a format of NES binary programs. You can check iNES format here.

Two parts of iNES

iNES have two parts. PRG_ROM and CHR_ROM. PRG_ROM is for game logic and CHR_ROM is for graphic. When iNES is loaded, PRG_RAM load PRG_ROM data and V_RAM load CHR_ROM.


PRG_RAM and V_RAM has 2KB memory.

init project

% cargo init --bin nes
% cd nes

nes module

This is the today's directory structure.

% tree
└── nes
    ├── cpu
    │   └──
    └── ppu



/// [CPU](
pub struct Cpu {
    prg_ram: PrgRam,

impl Cpu {
    pub fn new(prg_ram: PrgRam) -> Cpu {
        Cpu { prg_ram }

/// [CPU memory](
/// RAM is 2KB.
pub struct PrgRam {
    memory: Box<[u8; 0xFFFF]>,
    v_ram: Arc<Mutex<VRam>>,

impl PrgRam {
    pub fn new(memory: Box<[u8; 0xFFFF]>, v_ram: Arc<Mutex<VRam>>) -> PrgRam {
        PrgRam { memory, v_ram }

PrgRam doesn't have to has VRam at this time, but We need it on a further section.



/// [PPU]( is short for Picture Processing Unit
pub struct Ppu {
    v_ram: Arc<Mutex<VRam>>,

impl Ppu {
    pub fn new(v_ram: Arc<Mutex<VRam>>) -> Ppu {
        Ppu { v_ram }

/// [PPU memory](
/// RAM is 2KB.
pub struct VRam(Box<[u8; 0xFFFF]>);
impl VRam {
    pub fn new(memory: Box<[u8; 0xFFFF]>) -> VRam {



mod cpu;
mod ppu;

use std::fs::File;
use std::path::Path;
use std::io::{BufReader, Read};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use nes::cpu::{Cpu, PrgRam};
use nes::ppu::{Ppu, VRam};

pub struct Nes {
    cpu: Cpu,
    ppu: Ppu,
impl Nes {
    const I_NES_HEADER_SIZE: u16 = 0x0010;
    const COUNT_OF_PRG_ROM_UNITS_INDEX: u16 = 4;
    const COUNT_OF_CHR_ROM_UNITS_INDEX: u16 = 5;
    const SIZE_OF_PRG_ROM_UNIT: u16 = 0x4000;
    const SIZE_OF_CHR_ROM_UNIT: u16 = 0x2000;

    const RAM_SIZE: usize = 0x10000;
    const PRG_ROM_LOWER_IDX: usize = 0x8000;
    const PRG_ROM_UPPER_IDX: usize = 0xC000;

    pub fn new(casette_name: &str) -> Nes {
        let path_string = format!("cassette/{}", String::from(casette_name));
        let path = Path::new(&path_string);

        let (prg_ram, v_ram) = Self::load_ram(path);
        let cpu = Cpu::new(prg_ram);
        let ppu = Ppu::new(v_ram.clone());

        Nes { cpu, ppu }

    /// load [iNES](
    fn load_ram(path: &Path) -> (PrgRam, Arc<Mutex<VRam>>) {
        let file = match File::open(path) {
            Ok(file) => file,
            Err(why) => panic!("{}: path is {:?}", why, path),
        let mut buffer = BufReader::new(file);
        let mut i_nes_data: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
        let _ = buffer.read_to_end(&mut i_nes_data).unwrap();

        let prg_rom_start = Self::I_NES_HEADER_SIZE;
        let prg_rom_end = prg_rom_start +
            i_nes_data[Self::COUNT_OF_PRG_ROM_UNITS_INDEX as usize] as u16 * Self::SIZE_OF_PRG_ROM_UNIT - 1;

        let chr_rom_banks_num = i_nes_data[Self::COUNT_OF_CHR_ROM_UNITS_INDEX as usize];
        let chr_rom_start = prg_rom_end + 1;
        let chr_rom_end = chr_rom_start + chr_rom_banks_num as u16 * Self::SIZE_OF_CHR_ROM_UNIT - 1;

        // set prg_ram_memory
        let mut prg_rom: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
            &i_nes_data[(prg_rom_start as usize)..(prg_rom_end as usize + 1)],

        let mut prg_ram_memory: Box<[u8; Self::RAM_SIZE]> = Box::new([0; Self::RAM_SIZE]);
            .clone_from_slice(&prg_rom[..(Self::SIZE_OF_PRG_ROM_UNIT as usize)]);

        match i_nes_data[Self::COUNT_OF_PRG_ROM_UNITS_INDEX as usize] {
            1 => {
                    &prg_rom[..(Self::SIZE_OF_PRG_ROM_UNIT as usize)],

            2...255 => {
                    &prg_rom[(Self::SIZE_OF_PRG_ROM_UNIT as usize)..(Self::SIZE_OF_PRG_ROM_UNIT as usize * 2)],
            _ => {}

        // set v_ram_memory
        let mut v_ram_memory: Box<[u8; Self::RAM_SIZE]> = Box::new([0; Self::RAM_SIZE]);
        v_ram_memory[..(chr_rom_end as usize + 1 - chr_rom_start as usize)].clone_from_slice(
            &i_nes_data[(chr_rom_start as usize)..(chr_rom_end as usize + 1)],

        let v_ram = Arc::new(Mutex::new(VRam::new(v_ram_memory)));
        let prg_ram = PrgRam::new(prg_ram_memory, v_ram.clone());

        (prg_ram, v_ram)

load_ram method is today's main topic.

  1. Parse an iNES format file.
  2. Check the header.
  • 4th Byte in the header means count of PRG ROM units.
    • A PRG ROM unit is 16KB.
  • 5th Byte in the header means count of CHR ROM units.
    • A CHR ROM unit is 8KB.
  1. Load PRG ROM data to PrgRam.
  2. Load CHR ROM data to VRam.


Dump PrgRam and VRam to check they store data.

// src/nes/cpu/
impl Cpu {
    pub fn dump(&self) {

impl PrgRam {
    pub fn dump(&self) {
        let dump_file = "prg_ram.dump";
        let mut f = BufWriter::new(File::create(dump_file).unwrap());
        for v in self.memory.iter() {

// src/nes/ppu/
impl Ppu {
    pub fn dump(&self) {

impl VRam {
    fn dump(&self) {
        let dump_file = "v_ram.dump";
        let mut f = BufWriter::new(File::create(dump_file).unwrap());
        for v in self.0.iter() {

// src/nes/
    pub fn new(casette_name: &str) -> Nes {
       // load iNES

        #[cfg(feature = "dump")] cpu.dump();

        Nes { cpu, ppu }

// src/
extern crate nes;

use nes::nes::Nes;

fn main() {
    let _nes = Nes::new("sample1.nes");

// Cargo.toml
dump = []

Sample iNES file is here(Download from a first link).

Unzip the file and put sample1.nes at cassette/.

After cargo run --features dump, you can check prg_ram.dump and v_ram.dump using hex editor such as 0xED and hexedit.

Whole source code is available here.